Core Document list for Planning appeal Ref:

3274818 - Land off Ashland Road West, Sutton in Ashfield

DLP Planning Ltd

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Please click on topic to open individual documents:

  • CD1. Planning Application Documents
  • CD2. Amended Plans and Documents
  • CD3. Application Consultation Responses
  • CD4. Committee Report and Decision Notice
  • CD5. Development Plan
  • CD6. Inquiry Information and Evidence
  • CD7. Additional Items

    CD1. Planning Application Documents

    1.1 Application Form.pdf (PDF, 85kb)

    1.2 Covering Letter.pdf (PDF, 168kb)

    1.3 P19-1014 002A-03 - Site Location Plan @A2.pdf (PDF 142kb)

    1.4 S672-01C Topo @A0.PDF (PDF 736kb)

    1.5 S672-02C Topo @A0.PDF(PDF, 729kb)

    1.6 P19-1014 007B Illustrative Masterplan @A1.pdf (PDF, 1.6Mb)

    1.7 Planning Statement.pdf (PDF, 1.4MB)

    1.8 Design and Access Statement.pdf (PDF, 6.9Mb)

    1.9 Arboricultural Assessment.pdf (PDF, 2.6Mb)

    1.10 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment.pdf(PDF, 4.0mb)

    1.11 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf(PDF, 1.4mb)

    1.12 Ecological Appraisal.pdf(PDF, 7.2mb)

    1.13 Phase I and II Site Appraisal Report.pdf(PDF, 7.4mb)

    1.14 Gas completion letter.PDF (PDF, 54kb)

    1.15 Reliance Letter.pdf (PDF, 915kb)

    1.16 Phase I and II Letter.pdf (PDF, 72kb)

    1.17 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.pdf (PDF, 9.8mb)

    1.18 Statement of Community Involvement.pdf (PDF, 2.8mb)

    1.19 Transport Assessment.pdf(PDF, 7.5mb)

    1.20 Travel Plan.pdf(PDF, 3.8kb)

    1.21 Noise Assessment.pdf (PDF, 3.1mb)

    1.22 Air Quality Assessment.pdf (PDF, 2.8mb)


    CD2. Amended Plans and Documents

    2.1 Site Location Plan (ref. P19-1014 002 Rev B) @A2.pdf(PDF, 154kb)

    2.2 Illustrative Masterplan (ref. P19-1014 007 Rev G) @A1.pdf (PDF, 810kb)

    2.3 Access Junction Layouts (ref. ADC1032-DR-001-P10) @A3.pdf (PDF, 758kb)

    2.4 Proposed Pedestrian Improvements (ref. ADC1032-DR-002 Rev P1) @A3.pdf (PDF, 350kb)

    2.5 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (Rev D).pdf (PDF, 2.1mb)

    2.5a Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (Rev D) - Appendix A.pdf (PDF, 1mb)

    2.5b Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (Rev D) - Appendix A1.pdf(PDF, 442kb)

    2.5c Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (Rev D) - Appendix A2.pdf (PDF, 484kb)

    2.5d Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (Rev D) - Appendix B.pdf (PDF, 1.5mb)

    2.5e Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (Rev D) - Appendix F.pdf (PDF, 3.5mb)

    2.5f Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (Rev D) - Appendix G.pdf (PDF, 136kb)

    2.6 FPCR letter, including Metric Exercise (Aug 2020).pdf (PDF, 4.7mb)

    2.7 Minerals and Resource Assessment (by GRM) (May 2020).pdf (PDF, 3.7mb)

    2.8 Transport Assessment Addendum (by ADC) (October 2020).pdf (PDF, 7.2mb)

    2.9 ADC letter in response to NCC Highway Consultation response (dated 20 Nov 2020).pdf (PDF, 5.7mb)

    2.10 Technical Note Junction Capacity Analysis by ADC February 2021.pdf (PDF, 5.7mb)

    2.11 FPCR letter in response to Delta-Simons (dated 6 Nov 2020).pdf(PDF, 198kb)


    CD3. Application Consultation Responses


    3.1 Nottinghamshire County Council - Rights of Way.pdf(PDF, 3.7mb)

    3.2 Natural England.pdf(PDF, 94Kb)

    3.3 The Coal Authority.pdf(PDF, 360Kb)

    3.4 A.D.C Environmental Protection - Contamination.pdf(PDF, 61Kb)

    3.5 Local Lead Flood Authority (1).pdf(PDF,57Kb)

    3.6 Environment Agency.pdf(PDF, 19Kb)

    3.7 NHS Estates Team.pdf(PDF, 141Kb)

    3.8 A.D.C Environmental Prtoection - Air Quality.pdf(PDF, 54Kb)

    3.9 - Nottinghamshire County Council - Highways (1).pdf(PDF, 423Kb)

    3.10 Nottinghamshire County Council Planning Policy.pdf(PDF, 265Kb)

    3.11 A.D.C Environmental Protection Noise.pdf(PDF, 569Kb)

    3.12 Local Lead Flood Authroity (2).pdf(PDF, 112Kb)

    3.13 A.D.C Landscaping.pdf(PDF, 117Kb)

    3.14 A.D.C Planning Policy and Projects.pdf(PDF, 224Kb)

    3.15 Independent Ecological Review.pdf(PDF, 2.3mb)

    3.16 Nottinghamshire County Council Education.pdf(PDF, 203Kb)

    3.17 Nottinghamshire County Council - Education.pdf(PDF, 169Kb)

    3.18 Highways England.pdf(PDF, 177Kb)

    3.19 Bolsover District Council.pdf(PDF, 129Kb)

    3.20 Sport England.pdf(PDF, 452Kb)

    3.21 Nottinghamshire County Council - Highways.pdf(PDF, 212Kb)

    3.22 Local Lead Flood Authority (3).pdf(PDF, 138Kb)

    3.23 Nottinghamshire County Council Highways.pdf(PDF, 323Kb)

    3.24 A.D.C Landscaping.pdf(PDF, 16Kb)

    3.25 Sport England (2).pdf(PDF, 363Kb)

    3.26 A.D.C Drainage.pdf(PDF, 202Kb)

    3.27 Nottinghamshire County Council - Highways.pdf(PDF, 224Kb)


    CD4. Committee Report and Decision Notice


    4.1 Committee Report.pdf(PDF, 4.5mb)

    4.2 Decision Notice.pdf(PDF, 1mb)


    CD5. Development Plan


    5.1 National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021).pdf(PDF, 553Kb)

    5.2 PPG - Planning for Higher Densities.pdf(PDF, 1.1MB)

    5.3 Saved Local Plan (Full).pdf(PDF, 2.2Mb)

    5.4 Policy ST1 (Development).pdf(PDF, 27kb)

    5.5 Policy ST2 (Main Urban Areas).pdf(PDF, 10kb)

    5.6 Policy ST3 (Named Settlements).pdf(PDF, 10Kb)

    5.7 Policy ST4 (The Remainder of the District).pdf (PDF, 13Kb)

    5.8 Policy HG3 (Housing Density).pdf(PDF, 15Kb)

    5.9 Policy HG4 (Affordable Housing).pdf(PDF, 24Kb)

    5.10 Policy HG5 (New Residential Development).pdf(PDF, 15Kb)

    5.11 Policy HG6 (Public Open Space).pdf(PDF, 15Kb)

    5.12 Policy EV2 (The Countryside).pdf(PDF, 20Kb)

    5.13 ACS Core Policy 9.pdf(PDF, 80Kb)

    5.14 Policy EV5 (SSSI).pdf(PDF, 8Kb)

    5.15 Policy EV6 (Local Nature Reserves).pdf(PDF, 13Kb)

    5.16 Policy EV8 (Trees and Woodlands).pdf(PDF, 20Kb)

    5.17 Policy TR2 (Cycling Provision).pdf(PDF, 9Kb)

    5.19 ADM Policy DM3.pdf(PDF, 197Kb)

    5.18 Policy TR6 (Developer Contributions).pdf(PDF, 18Kb)

    5.20 Residential Car Parking Standards SPD.pdf(PDF, 3.6mb)



    CD6. Inquiry Information and Evidence


    6.1 Pre Notification of Appeal.pdf(PDF, 67KB)

    6.2 Appeal Form.pdf(PDF, 90KB)

    6.3 Owner Notifications.pdf(PDF, 138KB)

    6.4 Appellant's Statement of Case.pdf(PDF, 1.1MB)

    6.5 Appellant's Statement of Case - Appendices.pdf(PDF, 2.2MB)

    6.6 LPA's Appeal Form.pdf(PDF, 110KB)

    6.7 LPA's Appeal Statement of Case.pdf(PDF, 279KB)

    6.8 LPA's Appeal Statement of Case - Appendix.pdf(PDF, 263KB)

    6.9 Signed Statement of Common Ground.pdf(PDF, 660KB)

    6.11 Jim Lomas (Planning) Proof of Evidence.pdf(PDF, 922KB)

    6.11a Jim Lomas (Planning) Proof of Evidence - Executive Summary.pdf(PDF, 545KB)

    6.12 Kurt Goodman (Ecology) Proof of Evidence.pdf(PDF, 3.3MB)

    6.12a Kurt Goodman (Ecology) Proof of Evidence - Appendicies.pdf(PDF, 6.6MB)

    6.13 Gary Holliday (Landscape) Proof of Evidence.pdf(PDF, 348KB)

    6.13a Gary Holliday (Landscape) Proof of Evidence - Appendices.pdf(PDF, 20.3MB)

    6.14 Bob Wollard (Planning) Proof of Evidence.pdf(PDF, 994KB)

    6.14a Bob Wollard (Planning) Proof of Evidence - Appendix 1 Gladman Court of Appeal.pdf(PDF, 418KB)

    6.14b Bob Wollard (Planning) Proof of Evidence - Appendix 2 FPCR Letter.pdf(PDF, 3.1MB)

    6.14c Bob Wollard (Planning) Proof of Evidence - Appendix 3 APPA3010W203265803 Decision.pdf(PDF, 263KB)

    6.14d Bob Wollard (Planning) Proof of Evidence - Executive Summary.pdf(PDF, 903KB)

    6.15 Andrew Baker (Ecology) Proof of Evidence.pdf(PDF, 748KB)

    6.15a Andrew Baker (Ecology) Proof of Evidence - Executive Summary.pdf(PDF, 278KB)

    6.16 ADC CIL Compliance Statement.pdf(PDF, 72KB)

    6.17 Final Draft S106 Agreement.DOCX(PDF, 86KB)

    6.17a Final Draft Unilateral Undertaking.DOCX(PDF, 65KB)

    6.18 Jim Lomas - Final Comments on Third Party Comments.pdf(PDF, 593KB)

    6.19 - Andrew Baker (ecology) Rebuttal Proof of Evidence.pdf(PDF, 775KB)

    6.20 Kurt Goodman Additional Clarification - Ecology.pdf(PDF, 4.3MB)


    CD7. Additional Items


    7.1 Housing Land Monitoring Report (August 2020).pdf(PDF, 2.2MB)

    7.2 SHLAA Extract for Site.pdf(PDF, 1.3MB)

    7.3 Withdrawn Publication Local Plan (September 2016) - Policy SKA3.pdf(PDF, 70kb)

    7.4 Brierley Forest Park Management Plan (2017).pdf(PDF, 7.7MB)

    7.5 Extract from National Character Area 30 Southern Magnesian Limestone.pdf(PDF, 2.9MB)

    7.6 Extract from Greater Nottingham Landscape Character Assessment - ML021 Brierley Forest Park.pdf(PDF, 559KB)

    7.7 Biodiversity Metric 3.0 User Guide.pdf(PDF, 2.6MB)

    7.8 Defra BNG Impact Assessment.pdf(PDF, 652kb)

    7.9 Great Crested Newts Mitigation Guidelines.pdf(PDF, 724kb)

    7.10 Bats and Artificial Lighting in the UK Guidance Notes.pdf(PDF, 659kb)

    7.11 Cross-Sector Guide for Implementing the Mitigation Hierarchy.pdf(PDF, 3.6MB)

    7.12 The UK Habitat Classification.pdf(PDF, 3.4MB)

    7.13 Extracts from the LVA and Indicative Layout - Land to the North of Bigsby Road Retford(PDF, 3.1MB)

    7.14 Broomhill Farm, Hucknall - Decision Notice.pdf(PDF, 9.6MB)

    7.15 Broomhill Farm, Hucknall - S106 Agreement.pdf(PDF, 3.1MB)

    7.16 Land at Brickhill Street South Caldecotte Appeal Decision.pdf(PDF, 286KB)

    7.17 Draft Ashfield Local Plan.pdf(PDF, 4.2MB)


    2021.09.13 NTTS5142-2P Ashland Road Appeal - Core Documents List.docx(XLSX, 45KB)